Canyon Access
Many of our canyons are on lands that Indigenous people hold sacred. These are lands that have been stewarded by Indigenous peoples since before history can remember, and which were stolen from them by colonial governments. We encourage all in our community to learn about the relationship that Indigenous people have to the canyons you visit. Travel lightly and with respect for all who care for these special places.
Become Informed
Access issues are complex, and in order to be effective, you must understand the fundamentals of public land management in the US, and have some background on current issues. You will NOT have time to learn this when it's time to take urgent action. So - it is critical for you to take the time NOW to learn, and we are making it as easy as possible by presenting a video, additional links, and summary text below. Grab some snacks, and give 23 minutes of your undivided attention to this video, so that you can be ready to act when the time comes.
Additional resources
Read Section 7.2 (page 15) of Directors Order #41 as it relates to the Wilderness Act. Read this February 2023 update from the Access Fund which provides important history on wilderness bolting.
Read the Ross Lake National Recreation Area General Management Plan from 2012. Pay special attention to Pages 78-93, which highlight the current management plan by zone.